Condition Success Financially And In All Areas Of Your Life
Why You Have to Condition Success
by Christa Herzog (PhD)
Are you as successful as you want to be? Can you imagine to be more successful?
What is success for you? Take a moment and think about it. Do not forget to write happiness onto your success-list! You do not want to be rich and unhappy.
Learn How To Imagine To Be More Successful In All Areas Of Your Life
.The most important success is being happy. If you are not happy, you are not as successful as you could be. If you are not as successful as you would want to be, you have to change the programming of your subconscious mind.
You are controlled to 90 percent by the programming of your subconscious mind. I also call it the inner programming. Your thinking, your decisions, your actions and reactions, how you see yourself and your life, how much money you earn monthly and a lot more is based on the programming of your subconscious mind.
If you wish to change anything about you and your life, you have to change your inner programming. The inner programming can only be changed with repetitions and those repetitions have to reach your subconscious mind.
If you are repetitively saying to yourself that you are happy and successful, but you are not, your conscious mind will say: This is not true. What can you do that the information reaches your subconscious mind, without being blocked by your conscious mind?
What Can You Do To Send Information To Your Subconscious Mind And Achieve A Permanent Change?
You have to send the information subliminally
get direct contact with your subconscious mind.
How Do You Send Information Directly To Your Subconscious Mind?
You do this with Imaginations, Meditation, and Subliminals. With a subliminal the conscious mind does not hear the affirmations and can’t block them. It is best if you combine the 3 methods.
Imaginations Bring Best Results
With Imaginations you get direct contact with your subconscious mind and you can send information to achieve permanent changes?
How Do You Learn Imagination Methods?
With the Success Imaginations you will become more successful in the areas of your life which are important to you. It can be your career, to make more money, to be happier in general, to have a happier family life, to find a loving partner, or whatever success is for you and whatever you want to achieve.
When you are writing the script for your success imagination, you will focus on an area in which you wish to be more successful. Your imaginations will be based on this script. Use the same script for your success imaginations until you have reached your first goal. You can then write a new imagination script to achieve a next goal.
Why It Is Important How You Feel
To become more successful it is very important that you feel as if you are already successful, as if you already have what you desire. The way you feel generates a certain frequency of vibration. This frequency creates your reality. This is why you have to get to know how you will feel when you are more successful, have achieved your goals, and fulfilled your wishes. During the success imaginations you will get to know the feeling of success and with every success imagination you will condition it more, until it will become part of you.
Yes, you can make yourself feel as if you are successful. But this feeling would not stay. You have to condition it, until it is permanent. During your success imaginations you will feel successful and with the repetitions this feeling will be conditioned and become part of you.
Why You Should Change Your Attitude
Every successful person has a certain attitude. The success attitude.. You will condition this attitude with the success behavior generator in your imagination and with the actor’s method in real life.
Condition Yourself For Success With Success Imaginations
If you are successful or not is programmed in your subconscious mind. You have been programmed to live a certain lifestyle, to have certain thought and emotional patterns, to stick to certain decisions, to act and react in a certain way for many years and with the years you have deepened this programming. You have to change your programming, only then you can become more successful.
To make a major change in your life
you have to
condition a new programming.
You do this with The SUCCESS IMAGINATIONS.
In The Success Imaginations Training
you are introduced to several imagination methods.
1. Visualization
Visualizing success in a relaxed state of mind
Visualizing success during a guided meditation
2. NLP-Methods
The Round Table of Success
The Success Behavior Generator
3. Real Life Methods
The Actor’s Method
Live Success
The Success Imaginations Training Package
This is what you get:
Success Imaginations Introduction

Success Imaginations

How to prepare your first imagination and how to visualize.
You will condition the feeling of success and success in your life.
Guided Meditation for more Success

With every time you follow this meditation you will condition success more.
The Round Table of Success

The Round Table will help you to become more self confident, more successful, and it will help you make great decisions.
The Success Behavior Generator

Condition the attitude towards success . The Success Attitude is an important part to become more successful.
The Actor’s Method

The Actor’s Method is a fun and very effective methods to change and to become more successful. It is applied in real life.
Live Success

Live the Lifestyle you desire
Start conditioning yourself for more Success
More Success Imaginations Package
$59.00 + tax
You have a 60-Days-Money-Back Guarantee.
You will improve yourself, all your life and your lifestyle, you will be more successful at work, financially, in your private life, and above all you will be happier.
In the More Success Imaginations You Will Learn
- How to prepare yourself for your success imaginations.
- How to do a success imagination.
- You will repeat your success imagination in a guided meditation
- You will get support in the Round Table of Success.
- You will condition a success attitude with the Success Behavior Generator.
- With the Actor’s Method you will exercise success behavior in real life.
You can use the
Success Imaginations For More Success
- in general or to achieve a specific goal.
- at work and financially.
- in your private life which includes partner, happy family life, fun in your leisure time and more.
- Success will become part of you and your life.
What Is Success For You?
What are your desires and what do you want to achieve in life? What would make you happy?
Think about it and then determine what success is for you. Write down what represents success for you. Money, wealth, a happy family, good friends, more time for sports, friends and fun, time to travel, spirituality, and so much more.
If You Can Imagine A Successful Life You Can Create It
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More Success Imaginations Full Training Package $59.00 + Tax
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Click on the Button below to Register for the Success Imaginations Training.
…and start creating your new and more successful reality.
Christa Herzog (PhD)