How to Master Crises – an Instruction
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How to master crises explained with step-by-step instructions. You will overcome all life crises and be happy and successful.… Read More

Forget the past to create a new future
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How you forget the past to create a new future with your focus on how you wish to live, you learn in this article. Follow the instructions and tips.… Read More

Is Organic Face and Body Care Really Better?
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If you should use organic products for your face and body care is a critical question. It depends what ingredients are used in the product. Using organic face and body care products is good.… Read More

Believe in The Good
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The belief in the good creates more good. We must believe in the good, have faith in goodness and not lose it, even in dire situations. We have to keep it up, even though the whole world is in a catastrophic state right now.… Read More

With the right frequency you create a better life
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With the right frequency you create a better life. With your frequency you create everything. With thoughts and emotions you get into the right frequency.… Read More

Mind Control with Subliminals
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Subliminal Control means that you and not others control your mind. Subliminals let you choose what you want to change on your mind.… Read More

Train Self-Control but not too much
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Self-control is the conscious, mental, and physical control over oneself. Self-control can be an innate, an acquired, or a trained ability.… Read More

Changes of Work in The Future
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Changes of work in the future are increasingly influenced by automation, robots, and AI. Some jobs will be lost, others expect new skills, and there are jobs that remain unchanged.… Read More

Be Grateful and Show Gratitude to others and yourself
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With being grateful and showing gratitude you generate positive feelings with a good frequency with which you create more reasons to be grateful.… Read More

How to Not Get Influenced By the Opinions of Others
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Many people take it so serious what others say. They are miserable for a long time which is sad. There are better ways to deal with opinions of others.… Read More

We Are Forced To Change With Changes In The World
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We all have to change. You should ask yourself: How do you want that your life changes? You can only control your life and your reality. It is on you what you will make of it.… Read More

How Long Does It Take For Subliminals To Work
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How long it takes for a Subliminal with its messages to work on the programming of the subconscious mind depends on several factors such as previous programming, age, attitude, and more. Only … Read More

Shift to a Parallel Reality Your Life Will Change
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I believe that it is possible to shift to a very different reality quickly, but usually it takes some time and many shifts from one to quite a few other parallel realities until you are in one where you live a better life.… Read More

How to Think Positive Thoughts and Why
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With positive thoughts you create positive outcomes, beautiful things, and a better life. With negative thoughts you create nothing good. Like almost everything in life, positive thinking is a matter of practice.… Read More

How to Improve Your Mood
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Your mood plays an important role in everything you create. When you’re in a bad mood, you create problems. When you are in a good mood, you create a better life and many reasons to be in a good mood. … Read More

Are We Influenced by Extraterrestrials?
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Are we influenced by intelligent alien beings? And to what extent can we trust information they send through channellers? What do Aliens want from us?… Read More

How You Manage Your Emotions and How You Feel
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Learn to manage emotions, so they don‘t control you and as a result your life. If you feel a negative emotion, think about it and do something about the reason. With managing your emotions you conrol your life.… Read More

Have an Inner Attitude to Success and Happiness
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The right inner attitude to success, happiness and everything that makes life worth living is the basis for what you make of your life. Having a positive and firm inner attitude to all areas of life makes a big difference.… Read More

Does Time Pass or Is Time An Illusion
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Does time exist? Is it something general or individual and subjective? Does time pass or does it seem to pass? Is time passing linear or are only things happening and we get the illusion of time passing? … Read More

You Can Change Your Reality
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Reality is changeable, not fixed, not objective, and is perceived differently by each person. You create your reality with thoughts, imaginations, with how you feel and all this is frequency.… Read More

How to Enjoy Daily Workout
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Daily workout increases the happiness hormones, keeps you fit and healthy. That motivates. Listen to the Enjoy Daily Workout 3A Subliminal, so that you enjoy your daily workout.
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With a Good Morning Routine You Start a Great Day
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Having a good morning routine prepares you to feel good, be motivated, get things done, and have a successful day. It includes workout, meditation, care, and breakfast.… Read More

Daily Meditation makes happy and successful
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Many successful people meditate daily. Meditation is awakening in a new reality. It changes your life greatly. You become happier and more successful.… Read More

How to Live In The Now
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If you understand what it is about living in the now, in this very moment, in timeless spacelessness, you will be whole, your life will change, you will feel happiness, live in peace and abundance.
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How to Relax More – Methods and Tips
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Be and stay more relaxed, less stressed, and live a better life. Methods and tips on how to relax more. Add one relaxation tip to your daily routine.… Read More

Reinvent Yourself and Your Life
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You can reinvent yourself several times in life. There are stages of life that go along with changes. Plan them to your liking to live as you wish.… Read More

Personal Development is Improving Your Personality
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Why Should You Deal With Personal Development Your Personal Development is so very important for all your life. On it’s all about personal development. On pages and in articles on the … Read More

Life Is About Fun
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Life Is About Fun And What You Make Of It Life is about fun. It is not to be taken seriously. You can have fun around the clock. And you don’t have … Read More

What Influences You And Your Life
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What can you control what you are influenced by? Everything you come in contact with influences you. The influence has to do with the respective frequency. It can have a positive or … Read More

The End Of One Thing Is The New Beginning Of Another
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Whatever Ends Is The Beginning Of Something New Whatever ends in life is the beginning of something new. Anyone who understands this will never be in despair or even fall into depression. … Read More

Self Discipline Methods and Tips
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Improve your Self Discipline Methods and Tips Self Discipline Is An Important Trait Of Successful People Self discipline means to have control over your thoughts, behavior, actions, even over your habits. Self … Read More

Get And Stay Motivated To Get All You Want
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How To Get And Stay Motivated To Attain All You Desire Become Motivated And Increase Your Motivation Further If you are highly motivated to achieve a specific goal, any activity which has … Read More

Take advantage of all choices you have
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You Have More Choices Than You Are Aware Of Now Allow yourself to be worthy of more choices and choose what you prefer most. Lift your worthiness a little and you will … Read More

What do aliens want from us?
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What Do Aliens Want From Us or The Earth? When I speak of extraterrestrials, I mean extraterrestrial intelligent beings that have evolved within millions of years. Most alien species are far superior … Read More

What is the Subconscious Mind and what does it do
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What is The Subconscious Mind and How Much Does it Control You The subconscious mind controls you and your life. You can change it and your life will change. The subconscious mind … Read More

Enjoy Life and Work
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Enjoy Life and Work and Live in the Here and Now to Be Happy II want to make you think about how to invest your energy and not waste it for more … Read More

Feel Worthy For What You Want
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You need to feel worthy to create something you want You can only create what you can imagine to be and to have. Don’t think of money, that you believe is necessary, … Read More

How can I be happy with problems
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How can I feel happy when I have many problems and worries? You first have to feel happy, then it will be easy to solve your problems. If you are constantly thinking … Read More

To Be Happy And Rich
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Being Happy Comes Before Being Rich Why you first need to be happy to create everything that is necessary “for you” to stay happy. To create what you need to stay happy … Read More

You Make Experiences Not Mistakes
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Don‘t be afraid of making mistakes. They are educational experiences. It depends on you, whether you perceive an experience as a mistake or as a wonderful experience which lets you learn and evolve.… Read More

Do Not Set Goals But Have Fun
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You Do Not Need A Goal To Live A Happy Life With the frequency that fun generates, you create a wonderful and happy life which enables you to have a lot of … Read More

Inner Silence Creates Clarity and Happiness
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Inner Silence Gives Clarity And More Energy Condition inner silence and stillness. That will be very helpful in your life. Inner silence also called inner calmness gives you more energy, more happiness, … Read More

New Technologies Are Changing Our Lives
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New Technologies Are Rapidly Changing Our Future Our lives are changing faster and faster because of and thanks to new technologies. Some of them we welcome, others are difficult to understand and … Read More

How Can You Develop Your Consciousness
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Consciousness Is Infinite And It Evlolves All there is is part of the higher consciousness. Without consciousness there is nothing. What was first was consciousness. Consciousness is infinite. When we die, only … Read More

Maximalism In All Beautiful Things of Life
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Maximalism In Everything that You Enjoy Maximalism in everything that is important to you, above all joy and happiness. If you are not happy and if you do not enjoy your life, … Read More

Do Subliminals work?
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Do Subliminals work and what makes them effective? Do Subliminals work and the Effectiveness of Subliminal Messages You can read about the effectiveness of subliminal messages in recordings that they are absolutely … Read More

Minimalism Simplifies Your Life
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Simplify Your Life With Minimalism Minimalism could also be called maximalism in simplification, clarity, freedom, independence, free time, quality, and happiness. What is Minimalism Minimalism is about simplifying one’s life, more clarity, … Read More

Arrogance Can Bring Benefits
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Know How and When to Use Arrogance Know how and when to use arrogance to your advantage as for example for more respect. With arrogance in moderation and at the right time, … Read More

Tips For More Happiness
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Read These Tips For More Happiness More Happiness is an emotional state. It feels good to be happy. If you are happy, things work out fine. The reason for this is that … Read More

UFO Sightings and Disclosure
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UFO Sightings are a part of Ufology The reason that I am writing about ETs, also called EBEs (extraterrestrial intelligent beings) is their thinking which seems to be quite different from ours. … Read More

Positive and Negative Thought Patterns
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Thought Patterns Are Habits How many times does a negative thought sneak into your mind and ruin a few hours or a whole day. Your good mood is destroyed and your frequency … Read More

Remove Internal Blocks
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Why You Can’t Dissolve Your Internal Blocks You must not find out what mental blocks you have. Internal blocks are part of the programming of the subconscious mind. You can not clear … Read More

Freedom of Choice
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The Freedom of Choice is Important to us Humans The freedom of choice is important to us, but no one can have full freedom. What is freedom of choice for you? Are … Read More

Get A Higher Frequency
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A Higher Frequency Will Improve Your Life   With a much higher frequency you will live a life of happiness, joy, abundance, prosperity, and love. Evolve with raising your frequency of vibration … Read More

Be In Harmony with Yourself
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Are You In Harmony With Yourself Do you know how it feels when you are in harmony with yourself? It feels great. You are at peace. You feel good and happy. Learn … Read More

Let Go Of The Past
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Let Go Of The Past And Welcome A Better Future Most people carry the past with them day in and day out. Whenever possible they mix some old garbage into a new … Read More

Thinking Big Has Only Advantages
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How to Develop the Characteristics of Thinking Big In this article, you will learn how to develop and get used to thinking big, which will improve your life. Thinking big has only … Read More

Subliminals help to improve
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Subliminals have helped me a lot In this post I am writing about my experiences with Subliminals and how much they have helped me change and improve my life. More than thirty … Read More

My Dream Fulfilled
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My Dream Comes True During the past few months I have gone many times to the south of Rome to look for land with the opportunity to build a house. My dream … Read More

How to get Charisma
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What You Can Do to Get Charisma Some say that you can’t learn to get Charisma. I admit that a potential for charisma must be existent. But most of what is the … Read More

Digital Nomad or Permanent Address
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Become a Digital Nomad or Stay at a Permanent Address In this article I want to highlight some differences between modern nomads and those who stay in their homeland. There are a … Read More

Get Into the State of Flow
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How to Get into the State of Flow In the state of flow someone is fully focused in an activity and lost the sense of space and time. In the state of flow … Read More

Reverse Negative Beliefs in Positive Ones
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Dissolve Negative and Blocking Beliefs Negative and blocking beliefs can hinder you to achieve your goals and live a better life. It happens that I catch myself having a negative thought that … Read More

Feelings Create and Change
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Feelings Create You, Your Life and Your Reality Your emotions and feelings have and emit a certain frequency that creates and is responsible for changes. It produces an energy field that surrounds … Read More

Not More Productivity
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 Do We Need to Further Increase Our Productivity Recently, I read another article titled “How to Increase Your Productivity“. Writing about productivity is easy. But what else do we have to do? … Read More

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Readjust and Make Changes Become aware of changes of you, your routine and your life of the past months and years and if necessary make adjustments, which means necessary changes. Adjusting means aligning … Read More

Satisfaction is Stagnation
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Never be satisfied Satisfaction Prevents Progress and Positive Change Do not be satisfied. Keep your wish to live a better life, You can’t find happiness if you are satisfied. Happiness stays by … Read More

Belief is a Repeated Thought
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A Belief is a Thought that You Keep Thinking Control Your Thoughts, they can Become Beliefs Be careful about what you think! Think about what you want. Become aware if you think … Read More

Working Independently of The Location
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Working independently at home or anywhere Working independently of the location is nice, but has pros and cons There are many who wish to be independent of the location and become digital … Read More

Extraterrestrials Appearance and Encounters
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Extraterrestrials are highly developed Many extraterrestrials are far superior to us. They fascinate and frighten Extraterrestrials, ETs for short, also called aliens and intelligent biological entities, IBEs for short. These are some … Read More

How to Eliminate Your Enemies in Your Mind
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Who are Your Enemies and How to Eliminate them You have quite a few enemies. They are standing in your way and they avoid that you reach your goals and change your … Read More

You can only change yourself not anyone else
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You can only change yourself and your reality You can only change yourself, but no one else. If you change yourself, your attitude, your behavior and your reality, then others will seem … Read More

Enjoy Life More and the Benefits of Joy
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The more you enjoy life, the more reasons you will have to enjoy life more When it comes to enjoying life, many people make a long face. “How should I enjoy life, … Read More

What is Visualization and How to Visualize
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What is the Difference Between Conscious and Unconscious Visualization Everything was and is first a thought. We are thinking in pictures. The pictures produce feelings. The feelings are responsible for a certain … Read More

Set Your Goals Plan Organize
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Find and Set Your Goals, Plan to Achieve them and Get Organized If you set the right goals, plan how to reach them, and organize the necessary tasks, you will feel so … Read More

How to Overcome Winter and Beat Winter Blues
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How You Overcome Winter well and Avoid Winter Blues IAs you can see in the pictures it looks in the Alpine region of Southern Austria in winter again and again. In other … Read More

How Important Is Your Environment
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Your Environment Affects The Development Of Your Life We are affected mentally, emotionally, and physically from our usual surroundings. There is an interaction between space and man. Think about where people live … Read More

How to Upgrade Your Life
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Upgrade Your Life With Focus and A Higher Frequency How can you raise your frequency? What happens if you do? What happens if you focus on the moment? What is important for … Read More

Life As I Want In A New Country
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How I Designed My Life According To My Wishes And Desires     Why I Am Different, Think Differently, Live Differently   Right after we are born we are brainwashed. It is … Read More

Special Knowedge and Development of Consciousness
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Find Special Knowedge and Develop Your Consciousness We have to change our thinking about so many things. For example: How each of us is creating his/her reality. How each of us is … Read More

Speak about What You Want
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Speak often about What You Want Whatever you want, think about it, dream of it, feel it, and talk about it. Speak about it often and with all details. Make it part … Read More

Think Positive Stop The Negative
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Why Fokus on Positive Thoughts and Stop the Negative I have said and written quiite a bit about positive versus negative thoughts. Still, not all of you have understood. If you have … Read More

Problems Solutions and Frequencies
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Problems and Solutions have a Different Frequency If you have a problem and you think about it, you get the fequency of the problem. This means that your frequency changes negatively. You … Read More

What is Coaching?
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What is Coaching and do you need a coach? If you want to improve and grow, gain more success and achieve more in life, a coach can help you. But that does … Read More

Create Your True Desires and New Reality
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You are creating incessantly Look around. Everything you perceive around you is your work and what you perceive in your town, country, and the world you co-created with other people. You have … Read More

How to Reprogram Yourself and Your Life 2
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Reprogram Yourself With A New and Higher Frequencye We create with our frequency. If you are in a good mood and convinced that you will achieve your goals and fulfill your wishes, … Read More

How to Reprogram Yourself and Your Life 1
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What is important when you reprogram yourself? In order to achieve and create what you want, it is important that you are and feel happy. This includes thinking positively. You should be … Read More

Parallel Realities Your Choice
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How to Choose the Right Parallel Reality As a film consists of single images, life consists of individual parallel realities. Every fraction of a second you are in a different parallel reality. … Read More

Positive Feelings Change Your Life Positively
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Can You Change Your Life With Positive Feelings? Can you change your programming with positive feelings? Can you reprogram yourself emotionally to change your life?   Reprogramming • from unhappy to happy … Read More

Control Mind and Thoughts and You Control Your Life
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If you want to have your life under control, you have to control your mind and your thoughts Our thoughts are literally dancing around within 100 billion nerve cells and several trillions … Read More

Be motivated and achieve more
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Motivation is the driving force to reach goals Motivation is the driving force to achieve goals and to fulfill wishes. Simply put, if you have a motive, you are motivated. Also essentials … Read More

As You Want
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Do you live as you want? Many people do not allow themselves pursuing their dreams. They are not having any plans and are not thinking about how they want to live. They … Read More

All The Expectations Of Your Life Achieved
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Have All The Expectations Of Your Life Fulfilled   It is said that: The more you sow The more you harvest. The more you ask for The more you get. The more … Read More

How to Set and Achieve Goals
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Make a List of Your Goals and Plan to Achieve them What you need to know about goals and how to achieve them If you achieve a goal or not is set … Read More

Methods to Change You and Your Life
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Effective Methods to Change You and Your Life Use Methods that support you to change you and your life quicker and easier. These methods are about “Mind over Matter”. Only a few … Read More

Watch and Control Your Inner Talk
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Is Your Inner Talk Positive? Inner talk, also called inner or mental conversation, is the way you talk to yourself and what you talk about. What is going on in your mind? … Read More

Are You Unlucky?
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Are You Unlucky? Turn It Around! Are you asking yourself: “Why am I so unlucky?”   Are you constantly unlucky? Is there one bad circumstance after the other happening to you? Are … Read More

Love yourself and be wisely selfish
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Love Yourself and be compassionate and caring   If you do not have the capacity to love yourself, then there is simply no basis on which to build a sense of caring … Read More

How You Create Your Reality
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You Create Your Reality With How You Are Feeling What and how you perceive your reality is affected by your frequency. Your frequency is a result of how you feel. Your thoughts … Read More

Have a Vision of Your Dream Life
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Imagine how you really want to live and make a vision of your desired future life. The vision should contain all aspects of your life.   While you imagine what you really want … Read More

Your Plans for the New Year
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Your One Year Plan needs some thinking What areas of your life would you like to improve? What would you like to improve about youself? Think about necessary changes, make a plan … Read More

Get Active to Achieve Your Life Change
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Set Goals, have a plan, get active and live the life of your dreams Getting active is the most important step of your Life Change System. There is no way around it. We need … Read More

Characteristics of Success
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What are The Characteristics of Success What is it which makes someone become highly successful? Do you need a special training or a college degree to become successful? Many highly successful people had … Read More

Wrong Decisions
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Wrong Decisions are never wrong There are no wrong decisions, only opportunities to grow Are you afraid of making a wrong decision? Well, most people are. But making no decision and not … Read More

Be Aware of How Special You Are
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and make sure your children know how spedial they are Do not take bullying serious. It is not worth it! A young, very beautiful woman has committed suicide, because she has been … Read More

Life Change Quotes
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Quotes worth to be read Find a Life Change Quotes that is important to you Dare more and dare to be more!. – Dr. Christa Herzog The more you ask for the … Read More

New Year’s Resolutions
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Do not make any New Year’s Resolutions   Forget New Year’s Resolutions. You do not stick to them. They do not workout. The reason is that new year’s resolutions are based on … Read More

Inner World and Happiness
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Inner World and Happiness versus Outer World & Negative Emotions There is nothing outside of you Imagine that the reasons of negative emotions are illusions. Imagine that there is nothing outside of … Read More

Control Your Mind and Your Body
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Control Your Mind and Your Body and you will Control Your Life   You have heard the sentence that we only use 10 percent of our brain. That is a sentence that … Read More

Would Guns be Flowers
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Would negative turn into positive. Would hate turn into love.     And would the word “would” not exist! This would be such a beautiful world. Let us have this dream, this … Read More

Is There Alien Life
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Is There Extraterrestrial Life in The Universe That life is possible on other planets, was found many times and also evidence of intelligent alien life. Expand your horizon. Don’t only look to … Read More

Happiness should be your ultimate goal
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Happiness is extremely important If you are happy, you will create and perceive what you believe you need to be happy When you are happy, you create and perceive what you believe … Read More

Stop Wanting to Have and you will get more you want
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Stop Wanting and the Neediness for More in order to Get More     Whatever you want, stop the wanting and the neediness. I mean the thought: to want something so very … Read More

How to Visualize What You Want
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Learn how to visualize exactly what you want in life. We need to know well what we visualize. … Read More

Short and Long Time Life Plans
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Plan Your Life with Short and Long Time Plans   Plan to Change and Improve Detailed Life Change Plan How to be successful in your professional and private life and happy throughout … Read More

Positive Effects of More Spirituality
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More Spirituality Has Positive Effects at work and in your private life More spirituality has a positive effect on you, your work and your private life When you raise your level of … Read More

Ups and Downs of Life
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Ups and Downs of Life and how to keep up   I have gone a long way, high up, then a little down, back up, down again and back up again. When … Read More

Methods to Become Successful
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Use all these Methods to Become Successfull in Life   Become Successful in Life and reach all your goals taking massive and necessary action to reach your goals visualizing to have reached … Read More

How to Overcome Bad Memories
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  When bad memories are haunting you day and night, you have to do something about it. They create a low vibration, which makes you feel miserable and which are causing you … Read More

Your Best Friend
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Treat Yourself as Your Best Friend     If you want to find your best friend, that person who goes with you through thick and thin, then look into the mirror and … Read More

Life Change
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Plan and Control Your Life Change Everything changes constantly. How you and your life changes is your choice. Your fist and most important goal should be inner and outer happiness. The happier … Read More

Life Change System
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Do You Have a Life Change System Do you want to change your life? How can you change yourself, your mind and your life to be more successful, make more money, learn … Read More

Effects of Vibration
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Effects of Vibration on You and Your Life   Your vibration has an effect on what you focus on and on what surrounds you and you are affected by the vibration of … Read More

Frequency Of Vibration
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The Frequency of Vibration and its Importance for Your Life Anything you perceive, including your body, is energy and is vibrating. To make the law of attraction work, you have to understand … Read More

Cellular Information and its Programming
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Cellular Information and how to change its Programming Cellular Information is the memory inside every single cell within the body. This memory stores information related to conscious and unconscious memories, all past … Read More

Get Great Ideas
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Get Great Ideas – how to Get great ideas and use them for your business or sell them. To get great ideas apply methods that I introduce later in this article. What … Read More

Learn How to Meditate
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Why You Should Learn How to Meditate Learn How to Meditate to Control and Change Your Life as You Desire Learn how to meditate – Benefits of Meditation To learn how to … Read More

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Neuro-Plasticity And Brain Memory Neuro-Plasticity And Why This Word Should Interest You Neuro-plasticity was unknown for too long. The programming of the brain, which starts already before birth, mainly happens during childhood, … Read More

Master Mind Power
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Master Mind Power, the Power of Your Mind and take Control and Advantage of the Power of Your Subconscious Mind that is stronger than your conscious mind.… Read More

Higher Consciousness
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Higher consciousness to develop your consciousness is essential to evolve. Raise your level of consciousness, because consciousness is what stays eternally.… Read More

Interaction of Consciousness
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Interaction of consciousness. Consciousness is interacting and influencing each other positively and negatively. You are not responsible for all that happens.… Read More

Are You a Good Listener
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Are you a good listener? An exercise to become a better listener. It is about focus, but also about your subconscious programming. It is helpful and fun.… Read More

Positive Thoughts
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Positive Thoughts – Living with positive thoughts is a decision. They have a high frequency which will change your life and your world to the better.… Read More

Communicate with Subconscious Mind
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Communicate with your subconscious mind. How to do that, how to align it with your conscious wants. Are there method to ease this communication?… Read More

Subconscious Mind Techniques
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Subconscious Mind Techniques to improve your life. Use Subconscious Mind Techniques to change your life and live a better, happier and fulfilled life.… Read More

Your Reality Adjusts to You
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Your Reality Adjusts to What You Want Your Reality Adjusts to Your Beliefs, Goals, Wishes, not reversely. Your reality designs itself to meet your expectations. … Read More

New World Energy and Food
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The New World has lighter energy and lighter food. A world that is more positive and more beautiful as the old one.… Read More

Frequency of Reality
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Frequency of reality, what it mean and are there more realities. Each person perceives his own reality depending on the frequency with which he is vibrating.… Read More

The Law of Vibration
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The Law of Vibration is an important Universal Law Listen to the text about the Law of Vibration. The Law of Vibration explained The Law of Vibration is of utmost importance as … Read More

Feelings and Thoughts
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Feelings and Thoughts are interconnected. Feelings generate certain kind of thoughts and thoughts generate certain feelings. Both have a certain frequency.… Read More

The New World
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In the New World is no negativity, but harmony, happiness, contentment, a lot of love and joy. The New World is about a higher frequency of vibration.… Read More

New Thinking
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New Thinking is about you, your thoughts, your life, your reality, a new world. Focus your thoughts on what you want and you will create it.… Read More

What are 3A Subliminals
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What are 3A Subliminals and why are they effective explained. 3A Subliminals have 3 tracks with affirmations. 3 times affirmations are sent subliminally to your subconscious mind,… Read More

How Long Does it Take to Change
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How long does it take, until you notice a change when you listen to 3A Subliminals daily How long you have to listen to a 3A Subliminal to change You can notice … Read More

What Happens in Your Brain?
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What happens in your brain when listening to 3A Subliminals What happens in your brain when you listen to 3A Subliminals daily for a few weeks or months? If you stop thinking of … Read More

What are Sublimals for
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With Subliminals You Can Change Your Life with less effort Change the Programming of your Subconscious Mind with the help of Subliminals. With Subliminals you can Change Yourself and Your Life. The … Read More

Subliminal Recordings Change Your Programming
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Subliminal Recordings Change the Programming of Your Subconscious Mind, of You and Your Life Listen to the text of this post: The Affirmations in subliminal recordings help you change your programming. This … Read More