1A Subliminals are Classic Subliminals

1A Subliminals consist of one audio recording with affirmations and one audio recording with music. The music serves as a mask, so you can not hear the affirmations. They are heard and stored by the subconscious mind. So that affirmations becomes part of your programming it takes repetitions. Listen to each of the subliminals you choose once or twice a day for several weeks.

When you click on an image or the “add-to-cart” button, you can buy a subliminal. To buy more than one Subliminal click on “continue shopping” in the Shopping Cart or come back to this page. To get more information about a 1A Subliminal, click on a red link.

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Link for more Info of a Sublliminal
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3A Subliminals

3A Silent Subliminals

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