Is There Extraterrestrial Life in The Universe
That life is possible on other planets, was found many times and also evidence of intelligent alien life.
Expand your horizon. Don’t only look to the sky, where you only see a few thousand stares. Watch videos from the Hubble and the Kepler Space Telescope Missions and of TESS. Thanks to photographies from Hubble, you can see thousansd and thousands of hundreds of billions of celestrial bodies in our and in other galaxies. Hubble also makes photos with infrared light which makes celestial bodies visible that are not illuminated.
Why should we be interested in alien life on a blog which is about self improvement?

For our self improvement we can and will learn very much from highly developed alien life, which will change our lives beyond imagination. Due to today’s knowledge, we can assume that alone in our galaxy, the milky way, are thousands of civilizations that are advanced thousands to millions of years in their technological and spiritual development. There should be civilizations, who create their reality as they wish with the control of their frequency. We can assume that they are able to travel in space and time without an engine.
Should we get access to this knowledge and the necessary training,, our lives will change in a way that is today unimaginable for us.
There are hundreds of billions of planets and on some thousands of millions is life
In our galaxy, the milky way, are more than 200 billion celestial bodies. Our galaxy is smaller than the Andromeda galaxy. It has about three times as many celestial bodies than the Milky Way. In our universe there are several hundreds of billions of galaxies. We still do not know how many universes there are. Scientists can hardly estimate how many celestial bodies there are in our universe. They say that there are far more celestial bodies as grains of sand on all the beaches in the word.
More than half of all celestial bodies are planets. Our sun is only the head of a pin in an accumulation of many billion suns, which we call stars. Every other sun is orbited by one or more planets. Many of the planets are located in a habitable zone. The possibility that there is alien life in the universe, is given billion times. The assumption that we are not alone in our universe we can erase once and for all.
What would be your guess, how much life there is in the universe? The estimate in our galaxy alone is many hundreds of billions. Several of the millions of alien civilizations will be advanced in their development by thousands and by millions of years.
Why the Interest in Alien Life
Is there a specific reason that quite a few people show interest in extraterrestrial life? Already today there are companies that are preparing for operating mining. Others will be offering vacations to planets far away from Earth. Our governments will close contracts with other civilizations. We will exchange technologies and research work. We will become members of alliances to protect us from warring civilizations. And much more.
For more highly developed extraterrestrial civilizations we might be what monkeys are for us. But we humans are able and willing to learn. When we speak of higher development, we must not only think of material technologies, but also on the development of consciousness. This includes higher developed intelligence and higher developed spirituality
The Search for Life in Space
Is there alien life in our universe?
The following text is composed of notes of several documentaries on the Hubble Space Telescope Mission and other research on the search for life in space.
It is impossible that there is no life in space. Life in space and already in our galaxy will be so diverse, as we cannot imagine it today. The stages of development will be from unicellular organisms to inconceivably high developed intelligent alien life. There are areas in our galaxy that are much older than our solar system, where life will exists, that is advanced. In its development by millions of years in comparison to us earthlings.
How is the Search for Planets Done
It was long suspected that there are billions of planets in our galaxy. Planets do not glow and are hidden by the light of their suns. This is why we can’t see them with old technology 40 years ago. Michel Mayor, astrophysicist in Geneva, Switzerland, meant that one has to find a method, to look for planets. He developed a device to measure the own speed of planets that are far away from the Earth.
He then had the idea that movement patterns of the stars should reveal the existence of planets. The mass of the planet must be somehow tugging on its sun and put her into a light stagger. A tiny movement which should still be measurable. 1980 Mayor began with the observation of stars which we see on the sky.
In the Pegasus constellation they found a star that is periodically moving. The circulation around its sun was 4.2 days. However the Earth takes 365 days. The planet that mayor had discovered was large as Jupiter. It was the first planet found outside our solar system. That was 1995. The new planet, Pegasus 51b, is 5 times as big as our Earth. But there is no life, because the temperature on Pegasus 51b is 5.000 degrees C. Mayor and his team found several more planetary systems and some are in a habitable zone.
Mayor says that the real reason that so many astrophysicists are so very much interested in the search for planets, as they are searching for alien life.
2009 Hubble found in the constellation Cygnus the first planet with water as on Earth. Where water is, is also life. One year on Kepler 186f is 130 days.
Since 2009 the Kepler Space Telescope searches for planets, which are similar to the Earth. Its main task is the measurement of the brightness of stars.
Preconditions for Alien Life
Thousands of planets have been discovered. Some of the newly discovered planets are in a habitable zone. The approximate size of a planet plays an important role for the development of life. Of course there must also be water. It also has to have a core, a mantle, a crust, oxygen, hydrogen or methane and helium. It must not be too cold and not too hot, but just right that life can exist. In order to find life, the planet may not be too close and not too far from the sun.
In the constellation Cygnus (Cygnus and Lyra) are 190,000 stars. Each fifth star could have terrestrial planets.
In 2015 there was a technical problem on Kepler. With the help of the sun it was possible to the scientists to stabilize the telescope. For this purpose his position had to be changed away from the constellation Cygnus and Lyra, but in an orbit around the sun. Since then, Kepler is moved every 75 days into a different region of the sun. This means less time for the monitoring of individual stars. But the researchers were able to continue with their planet hunting. 2014 Kepler found the first Exoplanet.
TESS stands for Transitiing Exo-Planet Satelite Survey. What Kepler has started, is to be continued by TESS. This means the search for celestial bodies who pass before stars, says Sarah Seager, astronomer in Boston. Each planet changes the light of his sun slightly, if he passes her and this can be recorded.
Improved Telescopes Will Send More Data to the Earth
In 2018 the James Webb Space Telescope will replace the Hubble Telescope. The Hubble Space Telescope will however remain active until about 2030. The James Webb Telescope will analyse the spectrum of the atmosphere of stars. Chemical elements such as oxygen, send radiation in a specific wavelength. They can be found by the James Webb Telescope.
TESS and James Webb will form a team. Both are equipped with wide angle cameras. Up to 950 milion miles (1.6 million kilometres) from Earth, James Webb will analyze single planets.
However, TESS and James Webb can observe a planet only if he is positioned against the light of the sun. It is as if you would photograph someone against the sun. The sun rays have therefore to be blocked. Sara Seager has found for this a special device. She calls it Star Shade. With this device they shall get incredible images of possible exo-planets.
Sara Seager is sure that in the next ten years alien intelligent being will be found. And she is long not alone with the belief that there is life in the universe
Bill Roucke, physicist, NASA, California, was from the beginning an authoritative part of the Kepler Mission. He was sure that there are a million, perhaps even billions of planets in our galaxy. With other NASA-employees he built a telescpe,, whose task was to find planets outside our solar system.
Most of the astro-scientists suspected that every star automatically forms planets. But they did not know whether the sun is eating them up. And how many of the planets are gas-giants like Jupiter? And then, how likely is it that life is possible on a planet? So the scientists build something that might find earth-like planets.
Kepler is equipped with 64 photo-chips. Their task is to determine the difference of the brightness, if the planet passes by its sun. Kepler investigates thousands of suns and their planets simultaneously. In order to exclude errors, Kepler has to wait until a planet orbits his sun once. The orbiting of the Earth around its sun lasts 365 days (one year). This took previously detected planets mostly two years.
The NASA suspected about 50 billion planets alone in our galaxy. 500 million of them could be habitable with rock, water in liquid form, beaches and moons. It is worlds that could actually exist.
Already during the first years Kepler found 200 earth-like planets. At least 50 of these are located in a habitable zone. Geoff Marcy, astrophaxicist, Berkeley, USA, has the opinion that also on a dense gas planet life could be found.
In 2003, researchers have discovered methan on Mars. This gas is formed, among other elements, during the decomposition of organic substances by bacteria, but also in geochemical sources that have nothing to do with life The researchers also found that the methane had to be 300 years old. 2005 was nothing more to be found. It had evaporated.
There are lots of websites with images. The Deep Photographic Guide to Constellations shows images of constellations.
How Should We Imagine Alien Life
Lisa Kaltenegger, astronom, Ithaca, USA, explains that our imagination about the way of life is very narrow. We can imagine that is is a little warmer or cooler. And she considers absolutely possible to find planets with similar habitats as on Earth.
In summer 2015 a planet was found, Kepler 452b, with an earth-like atmosphere. He is 1,500 lights years away from the Earth. It orbits around a sun, which is similar to ours. He is located in a habitable zone. So water in liquid form could be existent. However he is 60 percent larger than the Earth and thus has twice the gravity.
Kaltenbrunner explains, if it is lighter plants are also lighter, because of the reflexion of light. If it is darker, plants are darker, to capture as much light as possible. After thousands of new planets are found, you can now compare one with another and also with the Earth.
Kepler discovers new planets daily. It is possible that there are billions of new worlds in our galaxy. Our telescopes are still too small to explore other galaxies.
At the SETI Institute, Mountain View, California, researchers search since 1960 specifically for signs and signals of technologically advanced civilizations in the universe. They began to listen to 2 stars and soon they listened to hundreds. By now, there are more than a million. There are still many hundreds of millions of celestial bodies to listen to. After 50 years the SETI researchers have not given up hope to receive alien signals. The opportunity is absolutely given.
Asteroids are little planets. In samples of rocks from asteroids amino acids were found. Amino acids are the main bulding blocks of life. There are several possibilities as the amino acids have arisen. It can be concluded that life on Earth has come from the universe, possibly with a meteorite. Meteorites are rocks of an asteroid. Distinguishing features of amino acids could help to determine from where exactly life on Earth has come.
Habitable Zones in the Universe have been found
The James Webb Space Telescope works also with infrared. Celestial bodies are made visible that are not illuminated. With this telescope, which will be flying further as Hubble, alien life will be found. Not only the possibility that life exists.
The Kepler Telescope transmits data since 2009. It has found more than 1000 confirmed exoplanets in 440 solar systems and has found another 3,2oo planets which have not yet been confirmed. See more at Exoplanet Exploration Program.
Kepler has already discovered several earth-like planets in habitable zones. In 2009 Kepler has discovered a megastructure that does not seem to be of natural origin. In October 2015, after repeated review of the megastructure, it has been reported in the American media. The mega-structure is located above the planet KICS 8462852 in a habitable zone 1500 light years away from the Earth. This structure blocks light from the sun that the planet orbits. One of the many possible explanations for this structure is that an extraterrestrial intelligent civilization uses the energy of its sun with the help of this megastructure. We will soon know more.
In 2015 ALMA, which stands for Atacama Large Millimeter Array began its work, ALMA a telescope that consists of 66 high definition antennas and is 10 times stronger as the Hubble Space Telescope, can zoom in into various parts of the universe..Videos of zooming in on distant galaxies.
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey, SDSS, is making a 3-dimensional map of our universe.
This article is only a small part of the knowledge about the possibility of discovering and finding extraterrestrial life. As soon as the James Webb Space Telescope, a further development of the Hubble Space Telescope, is brought into space, it will become even more interesting.
We are certainly not alone in the universe, but are surrounded from a large number and a large diversity of extraterrestrial intelligent civilizations. Knowledge of higher developed aliens will change our lives in an unimaginable way.