How You Overcome Winter well and Avoid Winter Blues
IAs you can see in the pictures it looks in the Alpine region of Southern Austria in winter again and again. In other parts of the Northern Hemisphere it is not much better. Not everyone can take that easily. It can cause bad mood, depression, winter blues and similar unpleasant emotional states. You can prevent it and if it catches you, you can do very much against it. All my tips do not need a doctor and come without chemistry.
During my twenties, I had no problem with the winter. There was lots of snow and rivers and lakes were frozen. After school I went skating and on the weekend skiing. In my late teens, I went to many dance events. Like others, I caught up with the lack of sleep at school. With all the activities Winter Blues had no chance. Well my I first twenty-five years I survived the winter well.

Today, like many others, I have no great joy with the winter. I dislike all the clothes you need in winter. I remember many years back women wore long underwear, thick tights and socks in the boots. Today I wear pants in the winter and instead of thick sweaters a t-shirt and a jacket.
Sure, I feel better with sunshine. And I prefer it when the days are longer. But the gray in gray of the sky does not make me depressed. I simply overlook it. I care for a lot of light in the room, I have my eyes on the screen and focus on my work.
Work is a good remedy against winter blues. There is enough work. If you do not quickly know what to do, you can organize and clean your cupboards and wardrobe.. If everything is neat and clean, you feel better. And then there is quite a bit that is fun to do. If you have fun, you can’t get depressed.
Read my tips on how to overcome the winter, which is effective against winter blues and winter depression Choose one or more of my tips, peel yourself out of your cocoon, put your smiling face on, and get active. But there are also tips where you can stay comfortably on your sofa.

This Helps to Overcome the Winter Well and Against Winter Blues
That you get through the winter well and not get caught by winter blues, drink a lot of water, eat vitamin rich foods, move enough, have lots of light, use colors, stay active and enjoy yourself as much as possible .
Of course it’s about keeping your frequency high. This means that you have to have a good mood and think positive thoughts. If you get a bad mood, you have to quickly do something to get it back up. A very good method to improve your mood is visualizing while you meditate. You learn how to visualize, meditation, and the combination of both in the course “The Visualization System.”
There are many tips on how to get through the cold months with its short days without getting depressed..
These are the tips
1. Tip against Winter Blues – Plenty of Water
Heating makes the air dry. Drink a lot of water and use you a humidifier or place bowls and vases with water in the living room and in bedrooms. Make sure that there is always sufficient water in the containers. I have a humidifier and feel remarkably better. If it is very hot in the summer, it is also very helpful.
2. Tip against Winter Blues – Plenty of Light

Do not save with light. If the light that is coming into the room is not strong enough, make sure that the room in which you are staying is sufficiently lit.
I use at least one very strong daylight lamp with cold light . This appears almost like a sunny summer day. You can use them in a lamp instead of a lower watt light bulb. I did that. But I also use one of the light stands, which I use for video recording, with a white umbrella . I think they look cool. You can buy more white umbrellas, so that they are always beautifully white.
3. Tip against Winter Blues – Regularly refuel with Oxygen
To prevent oxygen deficiency, which makes you tired and also depressed, go outside once a day. A walk of about half an hour already makes a difference. Walking in a snowy landscape is enchanting. If you are not living in the country, then go to the next park. With proper clothing you can also run in winter. There are running shoes made of leather. They are warm and great for winter. And warm socks. Running in winter is better and easier than in summer. Better because the air is clean and fresh and easier, because it is cooler. If you have the opportunity to go skiing, a special fun factor is added. The same goes for ice skating outdoors.
4. Tip against Winter Blues – Sufficient Movement
In winter we sit a lot more as in summer. Is so comfortable sitting in a warm room, drinking tea and maybe having the TV on Or meeting with friends and sitting together. Because of sitting most of the time, a lot less calories are burned, and in the winter you often eat more and richer.
During the winter months you should exercise several times a week. Do a sport of your choice at least twice a week for an hour or two. Go to a fitness center or visit a yoga or martial arts course or whatever you enjoy. If you ski for a couple of hours, this is absolutely sufficient for one day. But not for the whole winter.
5. Tip against Winter Blues – Vitamins and Minerals are Contained in Salads, Vegetables, and Fruits
Starting with autumn, when it gets colder, and in winter, many people eat more and more foods that are higher in calories. Most of it is cooked for too long. Also the vegetables. Vitamins and minerals are lost. To get enough essential micro nutrients eat lots of fresh salads and vegetables in winter. Vitamins and minerals are important to survive the winter well.
From late autumn there are nuts and dried fruits. Both are very nutritious and contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. Eat a few nuts a day. Do not be afraid of the fat of the nuts. It is a healthy fat that the body can digest well. Regarding dry fruits, not only the vitamins are concentrated, but also the calories. So do not eat too much of it.
In autumn and winter lots of apples and citrus fruits are offered. Eat one or two daily. They contain, among other nutrients, a lot of vitamin C, which prevents colds. But not only citrus fruits, also cabbage has a high content of vitamin C and it tastes good with the hearty dishes. Do not eat potatoes, especially fried, because they make you fat.
I’m a raw eater. I also eat raw meat, together with raw vegetables. As a snack I eat fruit. If I do not like to have something warm in the winter, I am sometimes asked. No. This is all a habit.
If you cook, then do not cook too long. Eckhart Witzigmann, one of the best chefs in Europe, said: “If it smells so good in a kitchen that you say, hmm, that smells good, you can forget the food. There is little nutritional value. Our grandmothers have cooked everything for a long time, because the water was not clean, and with cooking they prevented diseases caused by the polluted water. They have given their way of cooking to their daughters. Today, it is no longer necessary to cook the food too long. For most foods it is enough to steam them a few minutes or quickly fry them.
6. Tips against Winter Blues: Avai the Affects of Colors
I find it shocking when the designers keep their autumn and winter collection in black, gray and brown tones. The winter is dreary enough. Most collections have at least one pleasing color. These are mostly reds and oranges. A rusty red, a bright red, a tinted orange. Sometimes blue or green tones are added.
Colors influence your mood. Rummage the shops for colored clothing items. And if it’s only a scarf that lifts your mood up.
To women: Play with your makeup. To paint is fun and in the winter, the makeup can be slightly stronger. Buy a new lipstick . Accentuate your lips with a true red lipstick . I like wearing lipstick colors. This is also a habit.
7. Tip against Winter Blues – Make the Most Of Any Fun That You Can Find or Think Of
Here are some examples:
Meet with friends in a pub or a coffee house.
Go out for dinner more often during the winter months.
Invite friends for dinner at home.
Go dancing.
Visit concerts with the music of your choice.
Cinema, theater and lectures are also a nice pastime.
Spend a Sunday afternoon in a museum. Especially in autumn and winter
interesting exhibitions are offered.
8. Tip against Winter Blues – Practice A Hobby
If you do not have a hobby, try different things.
Buy colors. Ir can be water or oil paints and paint a picture. On the Internet you find courses and instructions. Look for it on YouTube.
Write a short story, a novel, a crime novel or a biography.
Are you interested in history, archeology, space travel, quantum physics or any other subject? On the Internet you will find texts and videos and expand your knowledge.
9. Tip against Winter Blues – Learn Something New
Sign up for a course and learn something new.
What about an additional foreign language.
Take part in a cooking course. That can be very fun.
Look for courses of your choice on the Internet.
Or take part in one of my courses and improve your life. During the winter months, there is the time for the course: ” The Visualization System” with its 90 lessons.
If you are looking for something interesting in your leisure time, winter blues or winter depression will have no chance.
10. Tip against Winter Blues – Enjoy and Have Fun Whenever Possible
Enjoy the moment. Find time to do something you enjoy. Find reasons to laugh. Make others laugh.
Enjoyment helps absolutely to overcome the winter well. Winter blues or a winter depression will have no chance.
Some examples of extra enjoyemtns:
Stay on a Saturday or Sunday morning longer in bed. Get the breakfast to bed. Enjoy with your partner. Or watch a movie of your choice on TV or on YouTube. Or take a book and read.
On a Sunday go for brunch and forget that you should not eat so much. Skip dinner and go dancing instead. You can lose some of the excess calories from the brunch.
Book a weekend trip and have a good time. Or go to the countryside on a Sunday where you can take a walk and enjoy the winter landscape. Have lunch in a nice inn.
Make an appointment for a full body massage. That’s really good. What is good for the body is good for the soul. The same applies to lymph drainage.
If you are a man or a woman, go to the beautician. Have your face thoroughly cleaned, get a mask, and finally have your face professionally massaged. This takes about an hour and has the affect of a small holiday. People will ask you what you have done that makes you look so refreshing and rejuvenated.
These are just a few ideas on how to improve your mood and boost your wellbeing, to overcome the winter well and avoid winter blues.
What do you do to keep your mood high or improve it during winter? Write a comment.