How to Open the Flow of Wealth
Wealth Thinking
Change your inner programming, your thinking and your consciousness regarding wealth, abundance and money.
The Wealth Thinking Silent Subliminals will support you to find ideas to make more money and to get active to earn more money. This subliminal will help you to bring your emotional frequency of vibration in harmony with wealth.
![]() Silent Subliminal Package $13.90 + Tax |
Wealth means abundance in all areas of your life. Financial success is very important, because only you have a lot of money, you can live in abundance.
Is some of your inner programming holding you back to make more money and that you do not see all the possibilities to make more money?
Do you have negative thought patterns which avoid it that you earn more money?
Can you imagine that you earn a lot of money and create wealth? And can you visuaize your dream life?
You can change your inner programming, wrong beliefs and blocks with the support of the Wealth Thinking 3A Silent Subliminal.
How you think about money and the possibilities to earn more money, is an important factor. When you are sure that you earn a lot of money, you will perceive the possibilities and you will get active to make more money. The moment you have reached this point, you will start to make more and more money.
You inner programming affects your thought and emotional patterns. And your thinking and your emotions affects the possibilities to earn more money. When you change your inner programming regarding your wealth thinking you will begin to get active to make more money.
When you do not make enough money, you can’t persuade yourself consciously that you will soon and easily make more money. Your conscious mind will block the information. This is why subliminal recordings are effective. Listening to a subliminal you consciously don’t hear the affirmations. They are absorbed by your subconscious mind. That the affirmations of a Subliminal are replacing old programming, you have to hear it daily for several weeks.
When you listen to a Wealth Thinking Subliminal twice a day for several weeks, your inner programming regarding wealth and your thinking about wealth will change. When you are programmed for wealth, your abilities to make more money will change and you will be more open to make more money.
Think that wealth has nothing to do with education. Most rich people do not have very much school education. They are inspired by the wish to make a lot of money and they are convinced to achieve their money goals. They are looking for possibilities to earn more money and they become massively active to achieve their goals. The more money they earn the easier and quicker it is for them to make more and more money. Their belief that they make more and more money is very strong. They do not allow any doubt. These people have a vision of wealth and abundance. And with conviction they bring their vision into their reality. This is part of Wealth Thinking and the millionaire mindset.
Subliminals help you to bring your belief system in line with your wishes. The Wealth Thinking Silent Subliminals will change your belief system regarding money and wealth. Sit down, relax, close your eyes and see your life as you really want to live it. How will you live when you earn a lot of money and when you are wealthy? Visualize your vision daily.
Folloow this advice:
Buy and download the Wealth Thinking Silent Subliminal Package. Unzip it and save it on your desktop or in a cloud.
Listen to one of the 2 Versions of the Wealth Thinking Silent twice a day for several weeks. Then listen to it from now and then. While you play a Silent Subliminal, you can listen to music of your choice.
Think that with every Subliminal you are changing part of your inner programming, with which you have lived many years, and that it takes some time until the change of the programming is deeply set and stays, without having a relapse.
This is what you get with the
Wealth Thinking Silent Subliminal Package:
+ Wealth Thinking 3A Silent Subliminal with murmur
+ Wealth Thinking 2A Silent Subliminal inaudible
Length of Subliminal tracks: 30 minutes
You receive the Subliminals in the form of MP3s
A Pdf with all affirmations that are used in the Wealth Thinking Silent Subliminals
If you listen to the 3A Silent Subliminal you hear a mumbling. Reduce the volume untiil the mumbling is almost not heard.
With the Wealth Thinking 3A Subliminal Package you receive the Wealth Thinking 3A Subliminal with Music and the 2 Silent Subliminals.
![]() Silent Subliminal Package $13.90 + Tax |
Combine the Wealth Thinking Silent Subliminal Package with the Success Imaginations Course |
Affirmations in the Wealth Thinking Silent Subliminals
You have a natural wealth thinking.
You feel that you are wealthy and successful.
Yes, you are wealthy.
Your vibration is in harmony with wealth and abundance in all areas of your life.
Your frequency of vibration is high and rises further.
You enjoy being wealthy.
You are wealthy and you radiate wealth.
You have financial success and your financial success rises steadily.
You attract and you live in abundance and abundance is part of your life.
You are surrounded by wealth.
More and more money flows onto your bank account.
Money has a good influence on you and your life.
With a lot of money you can help many people.
You recognise possibilities to be financially successful.
With joy you are active to earn more money.
You easily make a lot of money. Yes, you know that you easily earn a lot of money.
You have a lot of energy and money is a form of energy.
You are open to make more money.
You invest your income well and your investment rises steadily.
You are convinced that you achieve your financial goals.
Your financial goals are high and you achieve them.
Your lifestyle is high and
you have all you want in life.
All you plan and do works out and is successful.
You are creating wealth easily.
Your life is filled with abundance.
You have the mindset of a millionaire and you enjoy all the money you earn.
With the Wealth Thinking Silent Subliminal you get a Pdf with all affirmations.
Agreement regarding purchase and use of Subliminals
from this website: click here.
Silent Subliminal Package $13.90 + Tax |