We are forced to change with the dramatic changes in the world
We are forced to change. How Will Your Lives Change While The World Changes Dramatically?
It is up to each and every person how they want to change their life. How do you want that your life changes? You can only control your life and your reality. It is on you what you will make of it.
See the positive side and take advanage of the opportunities that the changed world offers to all of us. A return to usual will not happen. So we have to adapt to the changes. It is a challenge. For some this was and is not easy. Others have turned or will turn their lives around. They have made and will make changes in several areas of their lives. Only those who are flexible in their thinking, can make it.
It’s like natural selection. Those who don’t want to change and adapt to a new world are faced with major problems. It’s like Covid-19. Those who have taken care of their health are hardly infected. Overweight people are most at risk. Some know about their illness, others find out about it in the hospital. Those who survive Covid-19 have serious health problems inflicted by the virus.
We all have to change our lives. You too.
Have you thought about what you have to do to survive and prosper in this different world? Or do you feel sorry for yourself? There is only one person who can get you out of a difficult time. And this is you.
What has happened so far?
It was shocking when borders were closed, airports, hotels, businesses, stores, shopping malls, and schools shut. It was called lockdown. People had to stay home and were not allowed to meet people from outside their household. We could only go to buy food and other necessities.
Generations before us have seen the world wars, the influenza virus pandemic, and the hardship of the 1930s. Economically, those were tough years worldwide. Younger generations only knew the little problems of everyday life. Again and again there have been a few years in which the economic situation was difficult for some. This was mostly local.
Now the younger generations were faced with hardship the first time in their lives. To put the blame on someone, is not the solution. Everyone needs to find ways to live with the pandemic, its effects, and think about what they have to do that life will again be good in the future. Those who await that the state, some organizations or some people will care for them today and in the future, will be the losers.
People who work online and those who sell all that is necessary to work and to communicate online have won during and after the pandemic. Companies who sell online have had more sales than before the pandemic.
What has change in business, private, and for education
In business, private, and for education, online platforms are now used more than before the Pandemic. Many people have worked from home. School was done online. A lot of shopping was done online. People who have never used an online platform for communication and shopping, started using them.
Many people will continue to work from home and less large office spaces will be needed. The value of property for offices in large towns will fall. People who can work from home, move out of town. And urban apartments as well as the rent will also decline in value.
What are changes in transportation
Streets, trains, busses have not been crowded at rush hour during and after the lockdown. And it will probably never be as crowded as before.
There will be fewer flights until the very end of the pandemic and maybe for some more time. During the pandemic a flight was allowed to be filled to maximum 50 percent, which made a ticket more expensive.
During lockdown education was done via the Internet. Some school lessons may also be held online in the future. University and college studies will be chosen near home and not so much in other countries. Quite a few lectures will continue to be given online.
Business meetings have been held as video conferencing. Many business trips will continue to take place via video conferencing. This will change the airline and hotel industries.
Will we continue to buy online
People who never bought products online, where forced to do so and others bought more online as usual. Stores that have no online presence can‘t compete anymore and will close for good. Some stores will close and continue selling online.
Will we care more for our health
Many people took more care for their health. They understood that this is crucial to not get sick and to survive. They chose good foods, bought more vegetables, and cooked with more care. They went for a walk and worked out daily. Losing weight became more important than ever before.
What happens with sporting events, theatre, and other events where people can hardly distance from each other? Some events were offered to watch on TV or Internet. But this is surely not the same.
Fitness clubs have been closed. Better not visit until the risk of infection is over. Some of them offer classes online.
What about going out
For restaurants, cafés, bars, and nightclubs it was difficult during lockdown and after. The social distancing meant for them a 50% cut of their income. And then many people did not go out even after the lockdown.
It was difficult for many to sit alone at home and even with their partner. Most people were used to go to work, where they meet others, go for a glass after work, stroll through shopping malls. It was all forbidden.
We are forced to change. You too.
During the lockdown of so many countries, the world had a break from incessant air pollution. We all got a taste of how it would be would we use clean energy. Will we make sufficient changes in the future to keep the air clean?
Many people are unemployed and in some countries these people suffer. More people will become entrepreneurs than ever before. Some will be successful, quite a few will struggle, and some of them will fail. And not everyone is able to start a business. If they don’t find employment they will become part of the poor class.
You create your reality. Listen to the Create You Reality Subliminal twice daily for several weeks to create a positive and geautiful future.
Many People Have Used The Time During Lockdown
They have spend a lot of time with their children, homeschooled and played with them.
Some people have learned something new in the internet.
Some have worked out more, lost body fat and weight.
Some went for a walk daily which they haven‘t done before the lockdown.
Many cooked and ate better foods and more vegetables.
Some took time to think about their future and have made plans.
Some have decided to become entrepreneurs.
How did you use this time?
How much will our lives change after the pandemic?
Our lives will not be the same as it was before the pandemic. That is sure. But how much will our lives, work and private change? And how your life? What do you think?
It will take some time for the economy to recover. It is not possible to predict how long this will take and how bad it will get. Not all people will suffer. How about you?
Each person has his / her own economy. Some people are doing fine anyway. Some other people understand that their life and their economy are constructed by their thoughts, expectations, and actions. Those who blame others for their hardship are the losers.
Control your Mind and you control your life.
Blaming others for this difficult time gets you nowhere. Everyone has to take his life into his own hands.
What will change in international trade? Will we still be able to buy goods from countries around the world? Think about all the foods and beverages from around the world which are offered in the markets. French cheese, french and italian wines, and other delicacies, Will we continue to buy a lot of cheap goods from China, leading to more unemployment in our home country? Or will we buy more goods from our country? What do you think?
We have to adapt to the changes. You too.
Quite a few people will mostly work from home.
Many Business meetings will be held via video conferences.
No more heavy traffic in the morning and evening. This will be a thing of the past?
Will airline traffic diminish? How many planes flew over our heads before the pandemic.. We can‘t answer these questions today. Maybe the answer is yes for some time.
We will use more VR, virtual reality, sit at home and have the impression to be in a classroom, office, coffee house, bar, at a party or at an event. But how will VR change our perception in general, our behavior, and our mental health? Will it help that we do not have to miss too much what we have been used to before the pandemic?
Will we visit a doctor per video call? Not having to drive or walk to him, not having to sit in the waiting room. And we will not get into contact with patients who have critical illnesses. Just think that these people have a bad frequency and radiation and if you get into relative near contact with them, you get some of the bad radiation. This is not the case if you speak with your doctor online.
How will our individual lives change?
Think about this for a moment, before you read any further.
Will our work ethic improve?
Will we behave differently towards others, such as being nicer and more helpful?
Will we cherish our lives more?
Will we use our time better?
Will we have foods, necessities, and other products delivered to our doors and go less shopping ourselves?
Will we eat better foods? Lots of fresh produce? Stay more at home for meals? Cook ourselves?
Will we continue to go to parks for a walk and enjoy nature?
Will we travel less?
How about care of elderly people? One day we all will be part of this group!
How will our psyche change and how our attitudes in different areas of life?
Will we get used to new habits, that is necessary to live in this “new world”?
We have to change lots of our habits. You too.
Many of our habits will change long term
People who did not want to use the internet or at least not very much, have been forced to use it quite a bit.
We now communicate more online. Part of this will stay.
Where and when we work and how we commute to and from work has changed temporarily. For quite a few people this will stay.
Will we continue to eat more at home and choose fresh healthy foods?
We could not travel far. Some of future travels will be done virtually. The travel industry will change.
Have you changed some of your habits and which of them will stay?
We could think about what we could do better in the future. For example:
Ask yourself how you can help other people or the community. You could offer to chat online with people who live alone and are afraid to go out. You could go shopping for elderly people. And there is a lot more you could do.
There are questions we should ask
As we use the internet more, we can be controlled. Governments can misuse their opportunities to control indiviuals.
How will your life change?
The pandemic will last some years longer. During this time you have to live differently than before. Are you wondering how you will live when COVID-19 is over? Do you want to go back to your old life? Or will you keep some of your new habits? Think about it and take notes. With these notes you can plan your future life – better, happier, more beautiful. You can start right away!
We have to change our future. You too.
I have changed my life already before the pandemic
I always enjoyed living in big cities. A few years ago I suddenly had the inspiration to move to the country. I wanted my house to be far away from neighbors. I wanted to sit undisturbed on the terrace and I didn’t want anyone to be able to look into my windows. It became an olive grove. There is enough space to plant fruit trees, to create vegetable gardens, and no one will be able to look into my glass walls.
I can’t explain why I suddenly wanted to live in the country. I never had any interest or pleasure in gardening or working in a forest. Today I realize that I must have had a premonition. The future is about going back to the country. Live in nature. Sspend more time in the fresh air. Grow your own fruit and vegetables. My neighbors have chickens and their own eggs. Whatever else happens, I don’t have to worry about a food shortage. When things get worse, I don’t have to go shopping often to minimize the risk of contagion.
My life is completely different. I am more on my land and less in town. Everything is still new that will become a habit during the coming months. Many of my old habits had to go and I will have new habits. It‘s a new life in a new world.
Will the future be more country life?
Did you consider to move to the country and enjoy more what is imortant in life?
Recently I have listened to a video of Linda Molton How, were a remote said that he had to look at the world in 2050. He said that there are no towns anymore, but agricultural land. He saw few people. It seemed to him that each family had a lot of land. He could not answer the question of what had happened. He said that there was not a war.
Linda mentioned that Elon Musk plans to send at least a Million people to Mars till 2050. „What does Elon Musk know what we don‘t,“ she said.
Would you be willing to live on Mars? There is nothing. No nature that is full with plants and animals. No towns and shopping malls. But maybe moving to Mars will give lots of people the chance to survive.
Do Not Be Afraid Of The Future
Don’t think about the future. Having great goals and plans to achieve them is wonderful. It is good if you divide the plans until you know what you have to do today. Then focus on the tasks of the day. And you also have fun and leisure
It is best if you focus on this moment and feel comfortable and happy. Feeling happy is the basis to create beautiful things and a happy life.
We create with our thoughts and how we feel. When you think of the future and you are filled with fear, it conjures up bad things and bad experiences. You will then say: I thought that would happen. You have to understand that you created the source of your fear. You are responsible for it.
If you look to the future see it rosy. This increases the possibility that your future will be good. Dealing with beautiful things and great expectations is a good thing. I think that I have explained well enough that you should stop being afraid of the future.
When you’ve lost your job, look forward to get a better job. Don‘t be depressed and don‘t get discouraged. Cheer yourself up, think and talk about your new job. Don’t let negative news intimidate you. If you read about high unemployment, this doesn’t mean you can’t find work. Ask yourself if you shouldn’t look for another kind of job as you are looking for. There might be less demand for employees in your previous area. Look at what kind of jobs are offered. Maybe you have to learn something new to get a job. Will our day-to-day life ever be the same?
Over the past 150 years, people have had to rethink time and again. When weaving mills and mines closed, workers had to look for other kinds of work. When banks closed many of their branches, the laid-off employees had to look for new challenges. And again we are experiencing a wave of layoffs because buying behaviors have changed significantly, which is why fewer salespeople are needed.
There are always major changes, which is currently the case and is unfortunately accompanied by the pandemic.
What do you think about all this? Have you thought about how you want that your life changes? Can you imagine to live a very different kind of life – on Mars or as a farmer on Earth?