The Be A Brilliant Speaker Silent Subliminals Help To Become A Great Speaker
Whatever you want to change about yourself, your life, and your reality, you first have to change it in the programming of your subconscious mind. Changing the programming of the subconscious is done with subliminals.
Always listen to a Subliminal twice daily for several weeks that it is effective. The reason is that the subconscious mind needs repetitions that a part in its programming is changed permanently.
Length of the Silent Subliminals – 30 minutes
The Silent Subliminals have the form of MP3s
A Pdf with all affirmations that are used in the Be A Brilliant Public Speaker Silent Subliminals
If you listen to the 3A Silent Subliminal you hear a murmur. Reduce the volume until the murmur is not disturbing you.
In the Be A Brilliant Public Speaker Subliminal Package are the Subliminal with music and the 2 Silent Subliminals.
You can read all affirmations that are used in the Be A Brilliant Public Speaker 3A Silent Subliminal at the end of this page.