Reprogram Yourself to Achieve Your Goals
What Can You Do To Achieve Your Goals
Some people achieve their goals quickly and easily and others try so hard, but do not succeed. What is the difference? What can you do to achieve your goals quickly and easily.
I have written quite a bit about how to set goals, how to plan to achieve them, how to organize to stick with your plan, and how to achieve your goals. But there is more to achieving goals.
If you are one ot the lucky ones, who has been told from his parents that you can achieve anything you want if you put your focus to it and believe, you so quickly and easily achieve your goals that you do not need to read anything about how to achieve your gaols.
Unfortunately most of us have been told often that we can’t have all and that we can’t do this and that. The result was and is that we try hard to earn more money and live a better life without succeeding. You can change this if you change your programming.
You need Goals
You need goals. If you do not have any goals, you are unhappy. When you think about what goals you might set, also set one big goal. It will make you feel more alive. To have set a big goal is exciting and very motivating. Suddenly you get up from your couch and get active. It will change your daily routine and all your life.
Write all goals you can think of down. You might have one big goal, which can be the vision of your future life. And then you will have a few less big and tinier goals.
You might find goals in different areas of your life. Ask yourself questions to find out what you really want. What is your career goal? What are your goals in your private life? What are your very personal wishes?
Health, family and relationship goals
Educational goals
Career and money goals
Spiritual goals
Read How to set and achieve goals to learn how to find goals.
Find out if these goals are right and really your goals
Couple of years ago an important goal was to have my own indoor pool. I thought that this is my last big goal. But while I watched my wish video, I remembered that my big goal in my twenties was moving to Italy. Until that moment I thought I was happy in Vienna. I have not realized that something was wrong about my life. I thought that this feeling of unease had to do with age. But this was wrong. When I realized that it would be great to move to Italy, I became alive and this unease was gone.
Sometimes it takes some thinking until you find out what your real wishes are. It is not the car which your friend drives and which you find so cool. It is your real wish when your heart opens up and an almost forgotten kind of joy comes over you. Yes, this is my real goal, you will say.
If you choose the right goals, you will feel great, you will be motivated, and you will get active as never before.
This is how you find out if a goals is right for you:
Explain your goals in writing. This is then your visualization script. Close your eyes, relax and see your goal achieved. If you are feeling good, it is right. If not, find another goal.
So make sure that you choose and set goals that are yours and right for you.
Make a Plan about how to reach your goals
Go through the list with all your goals. Eliminate goals that are not really your goals. Then give each if your real goals a priority. Your big goal is a general goal which stays above other goals. There are goals where you need some to time to achieve them. For example going to college or university takes a few years or learning a foreign language takes at least a year. And then there are some goals which are easily accomplished. Take this into consideration when you make a list of when you get active to achieve a certain goal.
You might also want to read: Set Goals Plan Organize
Believe that You Will Achieve Your Goals
To achieve your goals it is important that you believe that you will achieve them. Big goals are motivating, but if you can’t imagine that you can accomplish them, you got a problem.
I wrote in a post about belief that you first have to believe and then you will see and that if your belief is strong, nothing is impossible.
You might understand the point and think that from now on you will achieve any goal easily. To understand how important a strong belief is and have the strong belief programmed in your subconscious mind is a big difference. It is not easy to make yourself believe that you can achieve any of your goals with your will. If you speak loud some affirmations, your conscious mind might say, no way that this is true. The conscious mind is based on the programming of the subconscious mind.
To make this crucial change, you have to change the programming of your subconscious mind. Do this with the Achieve Goals 3A Subliminal and with visualizing. Listen to the Achieve Goals 3A Subliminal twice daily for at least 6 weeks and visualize that you have achieved your goals. See yourself in moments of your life, where your goals are accomplished.
To achieve all your goals, follow this advise
Buy and download the Achieve Goals 3A Subliminal. Listen to one of the versions twice a day for several weeks.
This is what you get
with the Achieve Goals 3A Subliminal Package
3 Versions of the Achieve Goals Subliminal
+ 3A Subliminal with music
+ 3A Silent Subliminal with murmur
+ 2A Silent Subliminal inaudible
You can also choose only the Silent Versions
Length of the Subliminal tracks 30 minutes
You receive the subliminals in the form of MP3s
A Pdf with all affirmations that are used in these Subliminals
Achieve Goals 3A Subliminal with Music Sample
Achieve Goals Silent Subliminals
+ 3A Silent Subliminal with murmur
+ 2A Silent Subliminal inaudible
If you listen to the 3A Silent Subliminal you hear a mumbling. Reduce the volume until you hardly hear the mumbling.
Affirmations in the Achieve Goals Subliminals
You achieve any goal you set.
You easily and quickly accomplish your goals.
You know you easily accomplish big goals.
You see all your goals achieved.
And you know that your goals are quickly and easily achieved.
You set big goals and you have accomplished them quickly and easily.
You easily find solutions and anything to achieve your goals is working out fine.
You have all resources you need to achieve your goals.
You are fully focused to achieve your goals.
Whatever you do to achieve your goals works out wonderfully and is successful.
You easily do anything which is necessary to achieve your goals.
You easily and quickly achieve one goal after the other.
You see your goals achieved.
You easily manifest anything needed to have your goals achieved.
All required resources to achieve your goals are present.
You have plans to achieve your goals.
You know the necessary action steps to achieve your goals.
You follow your action plan to achieve your goals.
Any action step to achieve your gaols is done successfully.
You are motivated to take actions to accomplish your goals.
You are positive and certain that your goals are achieved.
You visualize and see your gaols already achieved.
Your belief to achieve your goals is strong
You stay focused on tasks that are necessary to achieve your goals.
You succeed in anything necessary to have your goals accomplished.
You see results from your actions and visualizations.
Yes, you have reached your goals.
You are happy having achieved your gaols.
Your belief is strong which makes anything possible.
All that is necessary to achieve your goals falls into place.
Your mind manifests your goals achieved quickly and easily.
Your achieved goals are your reality and you believe in it.
You have the ability to achieve all your goals.
You accomplish anything you set your mind to.
Achieve Goals Confirmative Affirmations
You achieve any goal you set.
Yes, you achieve any goal you set.
You easily and quickly accomplish your goals.
You know you easily accomplish also big goals.
Yes, this is true, you easily accomplish big goals.
You see all your goals achieved.
You believe that your goals are achieved.
And you know that your goals are quickly and easily achieved.
You set big goals and you have achieved them quickly and easily.
You easily find solutions and anything to achieve your goals is working out fine.
Yes, anything you do to achieve your goals is working out fine.
You have all resources you need to achieve your goals.
Yes, this is true, you have all you need to achieve your gaols.
You are fully focused to achieve your goals.
Whatever you do to achieve your goals works out wonderfully and is successful.
Yes, this is true, anything you do to achieve your goals works out successfully.
You easily do anything which is necessary to achieve your goals.
You easily and quickly achieve one goal after the other.
You are very happy having achieved one goal after the other.
You see your goals achieved.
And you are certain that you have achieved your goals.
You easily manifest anything needed to have your goals achieved.
Yes, it is true that you easily manifest anything needed to have your goals achieved.
All required resources to achieve your goals are present.
Yes, all you need to achieve your goals is in your reality.
You have plans to achieve your goals.
You know the necessary action steps to achieve your goals.
You follow your action plan to achieve your goals.
Yes, you have a plan and you stick to it, until your goals are achieved.
Any action step to achieve your gaols is done successfully.
You are motivated to take actions to accomplish your goals.
You are positive and certain that your goals are achieved.
Yes, this is true, you know that your goals are achieved.
You visualize and see your gaols already achieved.
Yes, this is true, you perceive your goals already achieved.
Your belief to achieve all your goals is strong
Yes, this is true, your strong belief makes anything possible.
You stay focused on tasks that are necessary to achieve your goals.
You succeed in anything necessary to have your goals accomplished.
Yes, this is true, you succeed in anything that is necessary to have your goals accomplished.
You see results from your actions and visualizations.
You have reached your goals.
Yes, it is certain that you have reached your goals.
You are happy having achieved your gaols.
Your belief is strong which makes anything possible.
Yes, this is true, your belief is strong.
All that is necessary to achieve your goals falls into place.
Yes, this is true, whatever is necessary to achieve a goal, is already done.
Your mind manifests your goals achieved quickly and easily.
Yes, it is effortless to manifest your goals achieved.
Your achieved goals are your reality and you believe in it.
You have the ability to achieve all your goals.
You accomplish anything you set your mind to.
It is absolutely true that you quickly and effortlessly accomplish anything you set your mind to.
With the Achieve 3A Subliminal Package you receive a Pdf with all affirmations.
Agreement regarding purchase and use of Subliminals from this website: click here.
Achieve Goals 3A Subliminal $15.90 + VAT